Instacart Referral Codes


$10 offered for each Instacart sponsorship

Save yourself that trip to the market - Instacart delivers groceries in just an hour! We put you in touch with the Personal Shoppers in your region to make your purchases

Simply Cook Referral Codes

Simply Cook

10€ offered when you refer a friend to Simply Cook

Cook quality food in restaurants around the world, using authentic flavors and quality ingredients.

Danone Referral Codes


100 Danpoints offered for each Danone sponsorship

Danone, world leader in the agrifood sector, built around four businesses: Dairy products and essential plants, Water, Early nutrition and Advanced

Ritual Referral Codes


6$ offered for each Ritual sponsorship

Ritual lets you skip the line and enjoy rewards at the best restaurants and cafes in your city. You can save time and enjoy the most popular dishes and drinks in your area: burgers, salads, sushi, pizza, etc.

Food52 Referral Codes


$20 offered when you refer a friend to Food52

Eat thoughtfully, live happily. Join our culinary community, browse recipes, buy products for cooking, cooking and home, participate in our contests.

Seated Referral Codes


$5 offered for each Seated sponsorship

Dine with Seated to get up to 30% back on every dollar spent at the best restaurants and bars. We make it easy for you to find restaurants and bars you'll love, make reservations there, and earn rewards.

Jow Referral Codes


5€ offered for each Jow sponsorship

Each week, simple recipes adapted to your tastes. Make your choice, we will automatically fill your basket. No more shopping drudgery!

foodchéri Referral Codes


5 € offered for each foodchéri sponsorship

Fresh and healthy meals delivered to your home to add color to your busy everyday life

Mulan Asian Food Referral Codes

Mulan Asian Food

15% offered for each Mulan Asian Food sponsorship

Our lines, our values. So authentic, so tasty, so ready to eat. Quality, freshness and know-how.

Carrefour Drive Referral Codes

Carrefour Drive

10€ offered for each Carrefour Drive sponsorship

Practical and completely free, opt for the Carrefour Drive service.